The amount of income you want from your business to take care of your personal goals, lifestyle needs and anything else that is important to you.
This is how you will take care of your needs before that of others.
1. Desired Income: Amount you want to pocket
The amount of income you want from your business to take care of your personal goals, lifestyle needs and anything else that is important to you.
This is how you will take care of your needs before that of others.
2. Revenue Potential: Amount Your Company Can Earn
The maximum revenue that is possible for your company to earn based on what and how many you can sell, during a specific period.
This is your reality check to know your highest potential income.
2. Revenue Potential: Amount Your Company Can Earn
The maximum revenue that is possible for your company to earn based on what and how many you can sell, during a specific period.
This is your reality check to know your highest potential income.
3. Desired Net Profit: Amount after business expenses & taxes
The surplus after business expenses. Your primary goal must be to price your products and services to obtain the maximum profit to sustain and scale your business.
This is how you “measure before you cut” to be profitable so you won’t waste time and money.
3. Desired Net Profit: Amount after business expenses & taxes
The surplus after business expenses. Your primary goal must be to price your products and services to obtain the maximum profit to sustain and scale your business.
This is how you “measure before you cut” to be profitable so you won’t waste time and money.
4. Required Expenses: Amount your company must spend
The regular recurring expenses (overhead costs) to keep your business running smoothly, including paying you, plus the cost of what you plan to acquire, produce and sell.
This is how you invest in your company’s success. The right resources will enable you to achieve your goals.
4. Required Expenses: Amount your company must spend
The regular recurring expenses (overhead costs) to keep your business running smoothly, including paying you, plus the cost of what you plan to acquire, produce and sell.
This is how you invest in your company’s success. The right resources will enable you to achieve your goals.
5. Required Sales: Amount you must sell at specific price
This is how many items you must sell to get the revenue you need for operations, to pay you, and to generate profit for growth!
This is how you will generate revenue; the key difference between your business growing or failing.
5. Required Sales: Amount you must sell at specific price
This is how many items you must sell to get the revenue you need for operations, to pay you, and to generate profit for growth!
This is how you will generate revenue; the key difference between your business growing or failing.
Learn the Key Numbers to create a business you will enjoy FOREVER.
With years of experience, Donna will show you how to do it!
This is not a trial thing. Most people (including some accountants) do not get this right!
It is one of the primary reasons that so many businesses do not make it past the 1st year and if they do, they operate in scarcity mode and struggle needlessly.
When you KNOW what NUMBERS are essential and how to USE them, you can have your DREAM business with the INCOME to enjoy your life!
Learn the Key Numbers to create a business you will enjoy FOREVER.
With years of experience, Donna will show you how to do it!
This is not a trial thing. Most people (including some accountants) do not get this right!
It is one of the primary reasons that so many businesses do not make it past the 1st year and if they do, they operate in scarcity mode and struggle needlessly.
When you KNOW what NUMBERS are essential and how to USE them, you can have your DREAM business with the INCOME to enjoy your life!
Ready to Earn
A Six-figure Salary
From Your Company?