Let's talk about
improving your business
and your lifestyle

Our priorities have always remained the same: to help business owners leverage their resources to generate higher PROFIT, experience more FREEDOM, and have more FUN. Our background in every aspect of business, finance and tax planning gives our clients a competitive edge.

Our Programs

CEO Success Blueprint

This is for the small businesses owner who wants to increase her or his value and generate more personal income. We look at everything from how to bring more money into the company and prioritizing spending to protecting earnings from taxes and then leveraging it to create wealth.

Manage & Grow With A CFO

A program for entrepreneurs and small business owners to have a CFO on their team. A financial expert to accelerate your revenue and profit with guidance plus accurate and timely numbers that will enable smart decision-making proactive tax planning and more personal income.

More Money Game Plan™

This intensive money blueprint and business planning series was created to empower small groups of no more than 12 entrepreneurs to tackle one of their biggest challenges – planning for specific goals and managing the results to achieve them.


For the business owner or entrepreneur who wants all of the “know-how” to achieve specific results now! You get six hours of immersive one-on-one, deep-dive strategy and planning with Donna around two specific high-priority business or financial matters. You will end this experience with a well-defined action plan to achieve your dreams.

Our Programs

CEO Success Blueprint

This is for the small businesses owner who wants to increase her or his value and generate more personal income. We look at everything from how to bring more money into the company and prioritizing spending to protecting earnings from taxes and then leveraging it to create wealth.

Manage & Grow With A CFO

A program for entrepreneurs and small business owners to have a CFO on their team. A financial expert to accelerate your revenue and profit with guidance plus accurate and timely numbers that will enable smart decision-making proactive tax planning and more personal income.

More Money Game Plan™

This intensive money blueprint and business planning series was created to empower small groups of no more than 12 entrepreneurs to tackle one of their biggest challenges – planning for specific goals and managing the results to achieve them.


For the business owner or entrepreneur who wants all of the “know-how” to achieve specific results now! You get six hours of immersive one-on-one, deep-dive strategy and planning with Donna around two specific high-priority business or financial matters. You will end this experience with a well-defined action plan to achieve your dreams.


What Our Clients Say

You will improve your income, impact and lifestyle when you know what to sell, how to price and where to spend!

What Our Clients Say

You will improve your income, impact and lifestyle when you know what to sell, how to price and where to spend!
  • I am a small company and I wear many hats.

    Daniel LaPointe, President & CEO Pure Construction Group Corp.
    My business motto is to never let my weaknesses keep me from success; I believe in allowing strong people that compliment my strengths and address my weaknesses, help me run my business. Donna’s CPA services were already in place for accounting and tax. Then she became my CFO consultant and is always thinking about how she could be more helpful to me. Donna makes me feel like I am her top priority and she helps me work on all aspects of my success as an important part of my team. I was lead to Donna through a financial planner, who recognized what I was missing and felt that Donna would be a great fit for my big vision and goals. She has helped me so much and has taught me that it’s really not just about the past, it’s about thinking about the future. The goal is to be able to build. I am relatively young in my career and as a father it’s Important to create stability. I am so incredibly busy and I rely on Donna as part of my team to help me run my business. Donna’s approach is a mutual process. She goes beyond accounting and taxes, and is involved in conversations about the business operations. In fact, there is also always dialogue that happens with Donna. This is a double great deal!
  • I was a new entrepreneur and one of those that thought that everyone was my client.

    Kim Walton - Small Business Accountant & CEO Walton Financial Services, LLC
    I learned very quickly how to identify my ideal client and get my messaging clear. Once I was able to connect those two things, that was really became my foundation. After just one year of Donna’s business and financial coaching, I quadrupled my income. This gave me the confidence that I could quit my full-time job and devote 100% of my effort to my business. I am now the CEO of my own company with the income to help support my family and my lifestyle. I’ve been with Donna for two years and I have also worked with other mentors/coaches but there is no one like Donna. We are always looking at the whole picture and plan together, and that is what gives me peace of mind and comfort. Biggest takeaway for me has been putting all the pieces together to deliver a full package to my clients, including understanding who my clients are, and who they are not. Donna offers an “end-to-end process”. She brings a lot of knowledge to what I do. I haven’t seen anyone else offer that. You’re guided through the process, and as long as you are committed to yourself, your investment and your business, you’re going to get the results that she tells you that you’re going to get. But you have to do the work! I would absolutely recommend Donna to anyone that wants to grow their business.
  • What made me realize I needed help was that I have expertise in my field, but I wanted to be more efficient and effective in running my business.

    Michelle Pineiro, Therapist Childs Play Therapy
    I am a therapist, not a numbers person. I have worked with a CPA but never anyone like Donna, who asks a lot of great questions and coaches me with the answers. What led me to Donna and why I hired her is that I feel committed to working with women/ minority-owned businesses. So I searched for someone with Donna’s credentials. It was apparent right away that she was the right person for me. She helped me so much by quickly asking when was the last time I raised my fees. She also anchored the idea that you get what you pay for and the tips and tools for raising my income. In addition, to helping my business she also identified how to manage the overflow of patients/clients. She has given me so much confidence that “Yeah, I can do this!” Donna’s method is unique. She asked all the right questions, and she has been entirely genuine and effective. I see the results in my bank account!
  • The concern I had that made me realize that I needed help was that after 14 years of being self-employed, I was not where I thought I would be.

    Rodney Washington, Entrepreneur Rodney Washington Creative
    I knew how to create a job for myself but not how to grow my income systematically. Before Donna, I only worked with the accountant that does my taxes. I recall working with Donna to set up her online marketing when she proposed supporting me via a pilot program she was launching. She recognized that my experience and background could position me as an expert in multiple areas like many entrepreneurs. However, she wanted to help me get clear on what she coined my MVP (most valuable product). Donna did much more. She helped me see my numbers in a whole new way, based upon what I wanted to keep and not just earn. She opened my eyes to how I was treating myself as an undervalued employee operating from zero or having to start over at the beginning of each month. I learned how to be a business owner who knows his value and makes financial decisions from that awakened level of awareness. Donna doesn’t just talk about sales or making more money, but how to keep more of what we make and leverage it to create wealth and leave a legacy.
  • A few years ago, I got an opportunity to buy the business I had been working for many years.

    Michele Brown, President & CEO One Stop Grocery Supply
    knew how to run the day-to-day operations but never felt comfortable with the financial side. Donna has not only gotten me to understand financial numbers but also their impact on operations. It was very important to her that I understand what’s driving the success of my company. Donna functions as a Partner and CFO. Under her guidance, my company tripled its bottom line after just one year, with me as the new CEO! When I need to make decisions about critical matters, I can rely on her to run the numbers, so I know I am making well-informed decisions. Donna arms her clients with the knowledge they need to succeed and empowers them to make smart decisions. Donna could not get away from me because what she provides is invaluable to me! I supply restaurants, bars, and hotels in New York City with food products and supplies. My business took a big hit from the pandemic. Our sales were down 50%! We made it through that year because of how we operated the year before. Donna helped my company build a solid financial foundation. No one knew at that time that a devastating pandemic was coming. Still, the way we kept tight reins on the numbers, you would have thought that we had foreseen what was on the way. That is why I came out on top! What we did in 2019 is why we made it through 2020. I sleep well at night because Donna McPherson is on my team!
  • I have been a business owner for 30 years, but like many entrepreneurs, I am not an expert in finances, understanding the numbers, billing, and profits/losses.

    Valerie Waterman, Entrepreneur Answers Design Group
    I have worked with financial advisors, accountants, and business coaches, but no one explained the numbers the way Donna does. She is not just a finance/numbers person but also a very creative thinker. Donna explains all of the ins and outs of business finances in a way that I have never been able to wrap my head around before. She got me to see the 30,000 foot view of how to run my business with financial savvy. She coached me on how to see where I needed to put my efforts to yield clear and solid results. What was new for me was her “holographic approach”. She understands my brilliance and skills, appreciates them, and comes up with new and creative ways to monetize them. She also empowers and encourages me so that I can understand how to think about and use money. For me, Donna McPherson is a game-changer in every way, and I am so lucky to have her on my team. She runs her company with integrity and focus. She also “walks the talk” and practices what she preaches. I would never hesitate to recommend Donna to anyone who wants to understand money and grow their business. It is all about being savvy, wise and proactive.
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How to Be Absolutely Certain You're Not Leaving Money on the Table

Four Keys to Earn Your Highest Income

It's All In The Guide. Get Your FREE Copy!

How to Be Absolutely Certain You're Not
Leaving Money on the Table

Four Keys to Earn Your Highest Income

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